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Birth in the time of COVID-19

Michele Kulhanek is the director of Washington State Hospital Association's maternal-infant health safe deliveries roadmap, safety and quality. Michele maintains certification in In-Patient Obstetrics and Electronic Fetal Monitoring, and is highly involved in the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) at the state level as Washington AWHONN’s Secretary Treasurer, Electronic Fetal Monitoring Instructor, and at the national level serving on the National Membership Committee. 


We're lucky enough to know Michele so it's no surprise to us that she is hard at work thinking about and finding solutions for supporting birthing mothers in the middle of this pandemic.​She's rightly concerned about protecting and fostering the hard-won control women have gained in their birth experiences even while adapting to a new set of emergency-level circumstances. 


She's one of our heroes because her thinking has always been and will always be about supporting and helping the most vulnerable among us. 


Read what Michele has to say about birth in the time of COVID-19


Trillitye Paullin, Ph.D.

Michele speaks on perinatal loss, trauma informed care and human trafficking awareness to nurses across the nation. Michele serves on Ceres Chill’s Scientific Advisory Board and is also the Board President for an anti-trafficking nonprofit.

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