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The Milk Factory

By Alanna Iacovetti

Photo by Corinne Botz

Uncomfortable pumping rooms. Lack of privacy. The feeling of being worn-down and overwhelmed. That is the reality that many breastfeeding moms face when returning to work after maternity leave. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: breastfeeding and pumping are not easy tasks. There is an expectation that you will do so and intense pressure to be successful at it, but the reality is far more complicated. 

It’s seen as something that just has to be done. Don’t get me wrong—breastfeeding is encouraged, and we all know the amazing benefits of breast milk. But the real problem lies in the lack of support for working moms who choose to continue breastfeeding. With no federal guarantee of paid maternity leave in the U.S., many moms feel rushed back into the workplace after a few short weeks, leaving them scrambling to balance new motherhood, pumping at work, and career demands. 

The Reality of Lactation Spaces 

Corrine Botz, a visual artist and educator, captured dozens of lactation spaces and working conditions that breastfeeding mothers face in her recent photo series and documentary, “Milk Factory.” While many companies are required to provide a designated space for pumping moms, that doesn’t always mean these pumping rooms are adequate. 

Photos by Corinne Botz

How many moms have had to take pumping breaks in cramped, uncomfortable spaces? Why are so many forced to pump in bathrooms, basements, or even boiler rooms? If we really calculated the time spent pumping at work, it would add up quickly. One mom in the film estimated that she spent about four work weeks per year hooked up to her breast pump in a designated lactation room. 

Comfortable, secure, and private lactation rooms at work are not a luxury—they are a necessity. Botz captures the raw truth of these spaces, some of which are thoughtfully designed while others demonstrate an outright disregard for the needs of breastfeeding mothers. 

Mathilde Cohen, writing for Time Magazine, explained: 

“The title ‘Milk Factory’ underlines that lactation is a form of labor, even if federal law conceptualizes it as a break from work, which employers are not required to compensate. Breastfeeding is not cost-free. It can be painful, requires time, know-how, and equipment, and has an opportunity cost.” 

An unnamed mom in the documentary expressed the pressure many breastfeeding mothers feel: 

There’s like so much information out there that's very helpful, but then there’s also sort of this expectation that you kind of have to [breastfeed] and then if you’re not, you’re coming up short for your baby and I feel like that’s pretty unfair. Because, you know, your health and your happiness is really important during that early time period too.” 

Another mom referred to it as an “invisible leash,” which many nursing mothers can relate to. Whether exclusively breastfeeding, pumping, or supplementing with formula feeding, moms invest so much energy into providing breast milk to help their babies thrive in their first years. Yet, the lack of workplace breastfeeding support makes this even harder. 

A Call for Change 

“Milk Factory” is an eye-opening documentary that highlights the challenges working moms face while breastfeeding. From moms taking out personal loans to cover expenses during unpaid maternity leave to those pumping in bathrooms due to a lack of private lactation spaces, these stories are enough to make us demand better policies. 

Moms, we need to advocate for ourselves. We need to put our privacy and comfort first and ensure that pumping spaces at work meet our needs. If we’re going to spend hours each week on pumping breaks, those spaces should be designed with dignity in mind. 

If you’re looking for a way to make pumping on the go or at work easier, check out Ceres Chill’s breast milk storage solutions. Our breast milk chiller was created by a working mom who understands the struggle, offering a portable, leak-proof way to store breast milk without the hassle of a communal fridge or multiple containers. 

More Resources for Breastfeeding Moms 

Breastfeeding and pumping shouldn’t feel like an uphill battle. With the right support, the right products, and better workplace policies, we can make pumping at work easier for every mom. 

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