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Spicy Pumping, Slutty Pumping, Happy Ending Pumping, Oh My!

By Rebekah Scroggy, RN BSN IBCLC

Are you blushing yet? 

Slutty Pumping, Spicy Pumping, Happy Ending Pumping...there are a lot of different names for it (and they all sound a bit crazy) but what exactly IS slutty pumping? And more importantly, do you need/want to be doing it? 

All these terms are just ways to describe how an orgasm helps increase oxytocin; a hormone that's involved in the milk making process.

Oxytocin is the hormone that allows for a letdown, or the process of the milk being released into your milk ducts. Since orgasms also create a huge rush of oxytocin, if you can have an orgasm while pumping OR right before you pump, it could help you experience an easier letdown and increase your milk output.

So, do you need to be doing it? Short answer - no. Spicy pumping is definitely not a necessity, and if we all needed to be having orgasms every time we needed to pump, the world would be a very different place. If you're uncomfortable with this, try to practice other ways of getting oxytocin flowing: putting on some relaxing music to help mask any work noises, watching videos of your baby, sniffing your baby’s blanket or clothes...anything that releases stress and brings on some calm and happy emotions can be helpful!

If this is something you're interested in, do your thing! And just in case you have a few questions - don't worry, we're one step ahead!

- "What if I don’t have a partner?" You don’t have to have a partner to achieve an orgasm! 

- "Will this make my milk ‘dirty’?" No, biologically similar hormones are released during sex, birth, and breastfeeding! None of that makes it dirty, but the most important thing is that you feel comfortable. If you don’t feel comfortable with this, don’t do it!  

- "What if I have never had an orgasm?" According to years of research, we know that only 25% of women have had an orgasm. If you can’t have an orgasm alone or with a partner, you are not broken. Sometimes there are other factors that can impact having an orgasm and working with a therapist or pelvic floor therapist can be very beneficial!   

Social media can be really great, but sometimes, there is so much information out there that it can be overwhelming to know what you need to do or not do. While slutty pumping can be helpful, it is definitely not a necessary action that you need to take to get a letdown or make enough milk for your baby.

Remember - the tried-and-true way to help your milk supply when pumping is to make sure you have a good flange size, using an efficient pump, and removing milk often enough (I usually suggest every 2-3 hours for 15-25 min each pump session)!

Happy Valentine's Day moms! ❤️

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